Friday 25 September 2009

Trip to Helsinki - Blog 2


0830 hrs – Got up, had bread and rolls with ham and cheese for breakfast and got ready to go out

1030 hrs – Left the apartment. Went to the Temppeliaukio. Carried on having a walk around Helsinki. Managed to find a record shop I could get into so I got Sonata Arctica’s new album “The Days of Grays” (double cd version). We then went down to the harbour and continued round Ehrenströmintie past the Olympiauaturi and Market Square. Had tea/coffee/juice and donuts at Market Square then went past the Presidential Palace and onto Senate Square and saw Helsinki Cathedral and the Statue of Czar Alexander II with figures of Jurisprudence (Lex), Peace (Pax), Light (Lux) and Work (Labour) around the sides.

We then ended up in Ristorante Il Siciliano for tea. Dad and I have Spaghetti Carbonara and mum had some sort of Tortellini. After that we headed back to the apartment via the bus station and we stopped at Storyville for drinks.

1930 hrs – Arrived back at apartment, had a shower and wrote postcards

2230 hrs – Went to bed

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