Tuesday 27 July 2010

Longing To Let Go (written 08 Jul 2010)

This was partly inspired by "Amy" by Jack Stevens - didn't exactly turn out as I thought it would but here it is anyway:


Lost in time
Everything has stopped
Time has passed
No one can see
The struggle
That’s still going on
Inside of me

The world carries on
People have moved on
But I am stuck
Frozen in time

I have accepted
That you my love
Now play among the spirits
Lost to the mortal realm

The one thing that
Has me stuck like superglue
Is not knowing why
Why you my love
Had to die
But it seems that
Nobody has the answer
To such a simple question

I have had to
Cope with death before
And again since
But my love
Yours is the only death
That has been left unexplained

 It’s eating me up
It’s tearing me apart
In every way imaginable
My need for a reason
Is slowly killing me
I can see it happening
Right before my eyes

I wish I could
Kill this need
And be able to
Accept it as
One of life’s mysteries
Before it completely kills me
And I fall to pieces
Unhinged by a love
And need that’s so strong
I wish I could
Kill this need
And stop it from
Making me waste
The rest of my life

© Toni Higgs 08/07/10

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